Saturday, April 5, 2008

Are Southeastern University and Florida Southern College One and the Same?

I'm confused. This morning's Ledger features a prominent photo of Mark and Alison Rutland on the front of the Local section. On the surface, I'm happy because I know that Southeastern University often has felt as though they didn't get the same media attention from The Ledger as the more popular Florida Southern College.

A closer look, and I see that Florida Southern has dedicated a new butterfly garden. And I remark to my husband, "Boy, I bet Ann Kerr is hoppin' mad that her school's butterfly garden dedication is marked with a huge photo of Southeastern's president and his wife."

I read on, and suddenly I recognize this butterfly garden. It's at Southeastern, not Florida Southern.

What the heck happened here?! Someone at The Ledger got it COMPLETELY wrong today. This butterfly garden dedication was at Southeastern University. Mark Rutland is the president of Southeastern University, not Florida Southern. How embarrassing. And frustrating.

Then I look at the article at the top of the page. Prominently displayed is news of a Southeastern student suing the school. It's got to be aggravating for Southeastern to see The Ledger get the name right when it's bad news being reported, and then when it comes to good news, it's erroneously attributed to Florida Southern.

I'm sure that tomorrow will bring a tiny correction in the Local section about the mess-up. Something tells me that will be small consolation for Southeastern University.

Update: As predicted, the correction ran on Sunday.


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Lakelandmom said...

I'm just really getting familiar with your site, so I'm reading some older posts that got my attention. I worked at SEU for 5 years, some of them as receptionist. I can't tell you how many Lakeland residents would call SEU (then SEC) and ask if we allowed public swimming 'in that pool you have out front'. If you've ever been to SEU, you know that the receptionist's desk looks out onto Lake Bonny! I had fun with that one, but my point being, it's not hard to believe that the Ledger made the mistake when, according to my experience, a large portion of the Lakeland population didn't know SEC existed and assumed it was FL Southern. Nice post, thanks.